Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Toying A Special Bond

As a kid I've had a special bonding with toys, especially dolls or one can say mostly with dolls. On every birthday my wish list would start with a doll and would end on one! "What do you want for your birthday?"- A doll was the quick reply!!
I have no count of the amount of dolls my Nani (grandma) had gifted me on my birthdays, yes, later on with the ascending flavour of age , the request moulded itself into pretty dresses and other stuff, but it sure for a quick halt, as one fine day my love for dolls came to a abrupt end :(, when a friend told me that dolls wake up and walk around the house....Grrrrr!! I was so angry with her for breaking my loving bond with the plastic mortal..but that was that....
Before the ghastly secret was revealed to me, dolls were my friends, soul mate, a great confession box for all the naughty childhood deeds that I was a part of.
I still remember the fragrance of a new doll, it was a very happy feeling, like a new book with fresh brown cover and new labels- though they couldn't beat the dolls, as with time books smelt more like enemies than friends ;)
Nani's presents used to be wrapped in a neat newspaper, she would announce her entry into the house and would give me a big hug and would hand over the neatly newspapered doll, I on my part always acted surprised about the present though I very well knew that there was a doll inside :)
Certain feelings can only be enjoyed as a child coz I think that's when we are more conscious and vocal about our feelings, with maturity a row of dos and dont's stuff themselves in our natural behaviour...But sometimes we do like to just let go, turning into a four year old, happy to be able to enjoy life!
Emotions colour our life in such a way, that each colour mingles together and creates a magical hue to spread a big smile on our face :)


  1. It is not a simple doll.Toys have a great role in child's mental and physical development.As I read in the net "Toys, like play itself, serve multiple purposes providing entertainment while fulfilling an educational role. Toys enhance cognitive behavior and stimulate creativity".Your nani muust have known it and smothered you with countless toys!!
    What was the provocation for thinking of toys and birthday,Sana. A nice post.
    My best wishes for a great writing career.

  2. I think I'll love gifts at any age. You feel wanted each tie someone gifts you. It's a nice secure feeling.

  3. Getting gifts was a joy then and still remains so. How we all love gifts! As kids we used to go hoo-haa when we received one and now...well, i still go hoo-haa abt such things!;)

  4. Thank you too Shahaabi!

    Very True Gp :)

    True Kk, Its a token of love well recieved by all :)

    Ha ha Veena, we still do for sure ;)

  5. Another great post, I always like the way you tell what you are posting about. I liked dolls when I was young, at that time I thought they were real and I liked to share secrets, and every time we would laugh and laugh. It really is sad to loose that mystical childhood. Thank you for coming by and leaving a comment. I liked your pet peeves also. Have a nice weekend.

  6. yeah..old nostalgic times do leave a strong colour impression in our journey of life ...Your post reminded me of dasy , when I too as a kid was despearte to increase my doll population oopss collection ;) Very nice post with aptly sweet title :)

  7. Thanks Margaret!Dolls it seems r a girls best friends :)

    Hey Blogger!Its great to see u here:)we all do that, buildn up a huge plastic family..he he!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i too remember how a doll smells!! :)
    hey u weave ur words so beautifully..
    that nani entry was so real!! :)
    ur friends comment on dolls truly made me smile!!

    keep writing.. :)
