Friday, December 22, 2017

Miss you, my story tellers!...

Image courtesy Google

It seems like it's been ages since I lost my grand parents.But it just feels like yesterday that I used to run to them and they would give me a good old warm hug, that made all the blues steam away into thin air.

Ah! The times when I heard stories,that often went haywire, but were carefully knitted together by the love of the old story teller. Though there were no flaws that I found in them and till date, they ring in my ears as a soft breath of air.

Oh! how I loved basking in the sun with nana busy reading the newspaper and nani oiling her beautiful long hair. That lovely sun kissed morning, still resides in my minds eye.

Though I'll miss them forever and a little more... but they'd always reside within me, as my values, my morals and peace galore.